Last week, we talked about how to read the book of acts. As with his previous books, elmer towns wrote praying the book of acts in poetic style, combining modernday language with a lyrical twist. Cells may take the application points of sundays sermon and share. A good study bible we recommend the following features. Its narrative supplies a bridge connecting the life and ministry of jesus to the life of the church and the witness of the earliest believers. Acts begins with jesus teaching the apostles about the kingdom of god outside jerusalem, and ends, about thirty years later, with paul teaching gentile christians about the kingdom of god in rome. In this chapter are found lukes prologue to acts acts 1. At this time, the church was quite young, but growing. One finds embedded in acts a record of christian defenses made to both jews e.
In fact, three times luke underscores the large numbers 11. In the book of the acts we see how the church of christ was formed and settled. We do not recommend loose translations or oneman translations. In the first few chapters of acts we are told how the early church centered her ministries in the city of jerusalem. Commission there will be a tremendous increase in church growth. Moreover, acts is the connecting link between christs life and. To my knowledge, however, no church growth book with a complete focus on acts has been written. Carefully crafted sermon series are key to reaching and keeping people. In chapter one, the church is alone, gathered for prayer in the upper room, where they elect an apostle to replace judas. The book of acts is a story of mission, church planting and church growth and underlines that growth through the church is a significant part of the wider kingdom growth. Acts shows what the early church believed and practiced. This article presents the concept of church growth alongside evangelism mainly in the book of acts. Whereas the old testament depicts evangelism as people coming to god, the lucan perspective demonstrates that gods servants will go to his people.
The book of acts provides a detailed, orderly, eyewitness account of the birth and growth of the early church and the spread of the gospel immediately after the resurrection of jesus christ. I read a pile of books and attended most of the big churchgrowth. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. But the reason this church experienced such remarkable growth was not that the leaders employed the latest church growth principles. The stores about why luke, james, peter, john, and jude wrote their letters set dramatic. And he will grow his church as we apply the biblical churchgrowth principles we see in the book of acts.
While there are some areas of great detail of the acts of the apostles, many times you must use cross references to the gospels of matthew, mark, luke and john as well as some other epistles in the new testament to get the full picture of what was. Its initial chapters describe the churchs founding and early years. Commentary on the book of acts bible study lessons. Good leadership will develop a good plan for growth and how to use new members and existing members in the work of the church. Charles stone is the senior pastor of west park church in london, ontario, canada, the founder of stonewell ministries and the. As the gospel was scattered abroad where these disciples went, the church flo urished 3. The dates of the commencement and the end of the book are tolerably certain. What other biblical church growth principles should we add to this list. The significance of the prologue with its introductory address to theophilus lies in the fact that everything luke said in. The bible and especially jesus teaching on growth, makes it.
In acts 8 we read about philip, one of the seven leaders called to assist the twelve see acts 6. Commentary on the book of acts of the apostles by matthew. Acts introduction commentary commentary critical and. The power the early church exhibited for changes and growth is overwhelming. Church growth thinking is often criticised as just about numbers and head.
The record from the book of acts couldnt be clearer. T he book of acts in the bible, written around 6263 a. Within the acts of the apostoloi there are theoretical and practical exemplars which the contemporary church may pattern to navigate a pathway to fruitful evangelism and sustainable growth. They had not ventured out as jesus had commanded in. Theres nothing todays church needs so much as to rediscover the doctrine, spirit, and commitments of the early christian community, writes james montgomery boice.
The exemplars discussed here, though not exhaustive, may. The african church is dismissed as a mile wide and an inch deep which implies that other parameters other than numbers account for church growth. In the sermon on the mount, jesus condemned charity, prayer, and. Oct 15, 20 when you look at the book of acts, you find at least eight characteristics of the early church that positioned them for this kind of blessing from god. Persecution arose at jerusalem, and the disciples had to leave for safety. Aug 25, 2015 the true cause of biblical church growth you may be surprised the 3 ways churches approach the culture around them and which yields the most fruit. Pdf evangelism and church growth in the book of acts. Stay tuned for second half of this post where we will address 5 more key principles of church planting from the book of acts. Although it faced enormous obstacles, it was completely new, it taught truths that seemed unbelievable, and it suffered intense hatred and persecution. Second, we will look into the pattern of church growth that appears in acts. The book of acts is a key historical record of what the early church believed and practiced. For an example of one church growth writers use of acts, see c.
They express gods intention for the church and are to be found in this commentary study of the book of acts. David shenk and ervin stutzman write extensively in their book creating communities of the kingdom about the importance of acts for church planting. As the saying goes, you plan the work and work the plan. If we were to employ these same factors, we too, can have church growth. Church growth statements in the book of acts barnes bible charts 2. The acts of the apostles the book of acts acts provides an eyewitness account of the early beginnings of the church and gives an accurate record of the birth and growth of the christian church life application study bible, 1991. But the reason this church experienced such remarkable growth was not that the leaders employed the. Persecution arose at jerusalem, and the disciples had to leave. To prove this point, let us take a quick look at church growth in the book of acts, with a special view to the church in jerusalem. The book of acts tells us on that day the god of heaven launched the church of christ.
When the church prays the priority of praying together. The book, then, is misnamed acts of the apostles, both because the greater number of the apostles do nothing in it, and because, in accordance with the hint of the first verse, christ himself is the doer of all, as comes out distinctly in many places where the critical events of the churchs progress and extension are attributed to the. The principle of unified prayer, or prayer with one mind and purpose, is a. Lets start by examining lukes stated purpose for writing the book of acts. Whereas the gospel of luke focuses on the life and ministry of jesus christ, the acts of the apostles builds upon what jesus did and taught see acts 1. There is real and needed place for organization in the church. The true cause of biblical church growth you may be surprised the 3 ways churches approach the culture around them and which yields the most fruit. At nearly twenty years of age, the book has become dated in places, yet many principles still apply. The you are there narration provides deep insight and understanding of the times in which the acts of the apostles and the general epistles were written. The unique aspects of these books of the bible are vividly presented through contemporary illustrations and poignant prayers.
In some cases, rainer was prophetic, anticipating what church life would be like in the 21st century. What drives real and authentic church growth is a commitment to the gospel, which is about jesus life, death, and resurrection. We are encouraged to glean the vital principles that enabled the early church to expand, and then apply them to our modernday church. Elmer towns reveals the relevance of the new testament books of acts, hebrews, james, the two books of peter, the three books of john and jude for todays living and learning. They see the book of acts as a church planting manual drawing a number of principles that can be useful today such as holy spirit, leadership and training, vision, prayer, cultural differences. In the gospels we see the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying. The key church growth principle what we learn from the book of acts. Our remarks for this article will come from acts 4. When you look at the book of acts, you find at least eight characteristics of the early church that positioned them for this kind of blessing from god. Acts 1 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on.
Lyle schaller, considered one of the best church consultants in the world, states in his book, the very large church, that the two most comfortable church sizes are under 45 people and under 150 people, likely making them two of the hardest thresholds to pass through, in addition to the 800 mark. Interpretation through the exegesis of acts 1 and 2. This is a theologically solid, albeit basic, survey of church growth principles. In some cases, rainer was prophetic, anticipating what church life would be like in the. The 120 were gathered in an upper room praying in one accord when pentecost comes acts 1. Studies in the book of acts previous page next page. It shows how the early church coped with pagan and jewish thought, the roman government and hellenistic society. If we echo the actions of the early church, we can expect gods blessing on our church as much as those ancient leaders saw a blessing on the church in jerusalem. Acts free bible commentary on the book of acts in easy english. Five reasons the early church grew acts 4 forthright. Up to this point, the book of acts recounts the churchs growth among jews in jerusalem and judea. The significance of the prologue with its introductory address to theophilus lies in the fact that.
Church growth could also be seen as an application of biblical, anthropological, and sociological principles to congregations, denominations and their communities in an effort to disciple the greatest. Later, believers were the more added to the lord, multitudes both of men and women acts 5. An easyenglish bible version and commentary 2800 word vocabulary on the book of acts. Philips only requirement was that the man believe the message philip proclaimed to him. The book of acts records the mighty works of god for and through his church in its early years, and clearly connects them to unified, corporate prayer. Most can be obtained from a good religious bookstore. Acts free bible commentary on the book of acts in easy. The book of acts tells the story of the beginning of the church of jesus christ. Being assembled together with them namely, at jerusalem, to which place they had gone to prepare themselves for the feast of pentecost, or rather, in obedience to christs command, who, after he had met them in galilee, had appointed them to meet him there, that he might spend his last days on earth in that once holy city, doing this last honour to the place where god had. Schwartzs book natural church development and its application to the new testament ministry system being studied from acts chapter 2 in this seminar. This is an indepth commentary on the book of acts written by pastor chuck, sharing fundamental principles concerning the church and gods intention for the church. Acts 1 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on the.
Church growth in the book of acts a church of christ can and will grow spiritually and numerically when it is faithful to the word of god. The two most impactful ways churches grow under qualified leadership. Are the people getting built into regular daily bible reading and prayer. Pastor chuck shares his knowledge about the book of acts, revealing background, history, insight, application, and wise counselversebyverse. Many of these have been learned the hard way, which are fundamental principles that god has blessed. At the end of the day, its not about techniques of planting. Principles of evangelism from the book of acts truthonlybible. Paul and the early church were not at odds with the laws of the old testament. You can find the best commentary on acts for you using the tools on the right side. Verse 42 lists four of the activities to which the church devoted itself. Ludlowthe book of acts was written by luke after his gospel as the second part of a great twovolume work on jesus christ and the early christians. In fifty chapters that progress through the book of acts, boice issuesa challenge to believers to follow the firstcentury church.
They express god s intention for the church and are to be found in this commentary study of the book of acts. This book is to the gospels what the fruit is to the tree that bears it. It is our desire to pass along the spiritual principles we have learned along the way. Which makes sense because this is what the gospel itself is. In fifty chapters that progress through the book of acts, boice issues a challenge to believers to follow the firstcentury church. Specific ways leaders in your church can model biblical church growth principles. Church growth principles acts of the apostles christian church. This is about principles not techniques for healthy church growth. Oct 18, 2012 lyle schaller, considered one of the best church consultants in the world, states in his book, the very large church, that the two most comfortable church sizes are under 45 people and under 150 people, likely making them two of the hardest thresholds to pass through, in addition to the 800 mark. We saw that were not supposed to model our behavior after everything some biblical character does. From a small group of persecuted refugees, the church in antioch saw large numbers of people come to christ. With bible gateway plus, you gain instant access to a digital bible study library.
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